Florida Association News Blog

Criminal or Suspicious Activity in your Condo or HOA Community?

Written by Dan Tiernan, COO | Jul 17, 2013

Suspicious activity and crime occur in communities across our nation. No community is immune to this activity. Due to recent events such as the Trayvon Martin case, it has become clear that we as people need to be more involved in preventing violence from happening. It is our responsibility as community residents to notify law enforcement professionals when necessary. What should you do if you see something suspicious going on in your community?

Many residents are hesitant to call the police anytime they see suspicious activity taking place in their community. Depending on the situation, calling 911 or your local law enforcement’s non-emergency number should be the first thing you do if you see any sort of suspicious activity taking place in your neighborhood. It is better to have the police investigate the situation before anything serious happens. Make sure to know who to call, some communities fall under the sheriff department’s jurisdiction whereas others under the local police department’s jurisdiction.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department has gone through extensive training over the past few years to prepare for any active shooting incident that may come their way. In a message from Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, he says:

“We practice active shooting scenarios regularly at vacant schools, hospitals, and facilities across the county. All deputies and their supervisors are required to take part in training that deal with not only ending the shooting incident but also handling its impact on the surrounding community.”

The next time you see any sort of suspicious activity taking place in your neighborhood, make sure to contact your local law enforcement as soon as you can.

As a precautionary method, does your community have a plan of action for when crime strikes? Would you feel safer in your community if a plan like this were set in place? Let us know in the comment section below.

South Florida Sherriff’s Websites for contact information:

Make sure and know your local police department’s information as well.