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Dan Tiernan, COOJun 25, 20141 min read

7 Steps to Being Politically Smart on a Condo or HOA Board

The word/phrase of this week is: Politically Smart

Politically smart boardsLet's face it, board members - you are now politicians. Whether you like it or not, you were elected or appointed to a position of leadership in your community and are responsible for overseeing the care of what is essentially a small city government.

Sitting on a Condo or HOA board is very hard. Harder than being a Property Manager. Property Managers get paid and when the day is over, they escape to their homes, away from all the workday issues. You don't get paid and your shareholders are your neighbors. You can't escape!

No matter how successful you were in your career, there are very few careers that prepare you for community board politics.

If you are new to this, you are probably NOT politically smart - as it relates to community board politics.

Why does this matter?

It is easier to accomplish your goals if you are politically smart. It takes a little more planning and preparation, but results in a lot less time reacting to surprises or trying to win fights with enemies. It is much less stressful.

What does it mean to be politically smart in a Condo or HOA Association? Here are 7 key steps:

  1. Avoid doing things that might make you look stupid!*
  2. Run effective and efficient board meetings. I will have to cover this in a later post.
  3. Plan and prepare for your board meetings, so that #2 is possible.
  4. Encourage respectful, transparent and cooperative relations with owners. Click here for tips on how to do this. 
  5. Establish and communicate your goals for the community.
  6. Declare your accomplishments and enjoy the praise from happy homeowners.
  7. Repeat annually, beginning with step 1.

* "Don't criticize, condemn or complain" - Dale Carnegie

Does your board accomplish these 7 steps?

What has your board done that is politically smart? Did it help improve the operations and spirit of the community?